- 2019. 09. 09.
- 251
- 2 098
- 21
- LV karakter
- George 'Hawkey' Houghton
“F.B.I” At last we have a name that lends itself to dignified abbreviation the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which quite naturally becomes “F B I.” In the past our nicknames, which the public are so prone to give us, have been many and varied. “Justice Agents”, “D. J. Men”, “Government Men” are but a few of them, with the Bureau itself incorrectly referred to as “Crime Bureau”, “Identification Bureau” and “Crime Prevention Bureau.” The latest appellation, and perhaps the one which has become most widespread, is “G-Men’, an abbreviation itself for “Government Men.”
But “F B I” is the best and one from which we might well choose our motto, for those initials also represent the three things for which the Bureau and its representatives always stand: “Fidelity - Bravery - Integrity.”
Célunk, hogy számotokra egy nézhető és minőségi fórumlapot kreáljunk.
Megpróbálunk nem mindennapi helyzeteket bemutatni, reméljük elnyeri a tetszésetek!
A topik formalitásához próbáljunk meg igazodni.
credits. adrakee qsty biggie tymer